Celebrating 500 Births in 2024!
Premium Birth Doula Package
My birth doula package covers everything from bump to baby...and beyond! Once we decide to work together, you have 24/7 access to me through text, phone, and email. Much of my doula work happens before your baby is even born! Expecting parents usually have lots of questions, and sometimes you don't get a chance to ask them all at your prenatal appointments. Or maybe they don't feel important enough to call your provider about. And that's exactly why I'm here! Talking birth is one of my favorite things to do, so you should never hesitate to give me a call or shoot me a text about anything pregnancy, birth, or baby related!

Complimentary consultation on Zoom
Two prenatal visits (1 Zoom and 1 in person)
Continuous, in-person support during your labor and birth
On-call from weeks 38-42
Unlimited text, phone, & email support
A curated list of childbirth classes to help you find your perfect fit
"Supporting Her" 2-hour online class specifically for the birth partner
Prepping for Labor Comfort Measures Class
Partner support & preparation
A complimentary "Visual Birth Plan" that midwives, OB's and nurses love!
Complimentary rental of a TENS unit in labor for pain relief (unit provided to you at our 37-week prenatal visit so you can use it in early labor while you're at home!)
A doula-curated list of tried-and-true products for mom and baby
Birth Photography, if desired
Setting up your baby's nursery
Breast/chestfeeding support
Postpartum visit, in your home, to cover newborn feeding, sleeping, soothing, and infant massage instruction
Professional back-up doula
$2200 for Comprehensive Birth Support
What Would It Look Like If We Worked Together?

Our First Prenatal
{Scheduled as soon as you'd like}
Our first prenatal will be over zoom and it will be a "deep dive" into all the aspects of your labor and birth that are most important to you. This helps me to know how I can best support you as your doula.
Some other topics we will cover will be:
Starting to make your Visual Birth Plan so you can effectively share your wishes with your care provider and labor nurse.
Discussing Optimal Fetal Positioning to help make sure your baby is in the best position before your labor starts, so you can have an easier and shorter labor.
What is a contraction, what do they feel like, and how will I know the difference between a real one or a practice one (Braxton Hicks)?
How to handle pain in labor using breathing, relaxation, meditation, and position changes.
How your partner can best support you during labor and birth.
Introduction to the "Supporting Her" 2-hour, on-line course, just for the birth partner!

Our Second Prenatal
{Scheduled 3 weeks before your due date}
Our second prenatal will be in the comfort of your own home and will be a very hands-on experience. I will explain and demonstrate all of the comfort measures, positions, and techniques that I'll be using with you during your labor and birth and you'll both be able to practice them all.
Other topics that we will cover will be:
How to handle early labor and know when to head to your place of birth or call in your birth team
The 3 stages of labor and comfort measures for each stage
How to time contractions
Practicing different labor positions and techniques using the birth ball, peanut ball, and other tools like the Rebozo and TENS unit
The Miles Circuit, Side-Lying Release, and other techniques to help baby get in the best position for labor and birth
Discuss the most common labor interventions and their pros, cons, & alternatives
Finishing up your Visual Birth Plan
Go over what to pack in your birth bag for you and baby

Your Labor and Birth
{I am on call for you from weeks 38-42}
Most of my couples prefer to do early labor {0-4cm} in the comfort of their own home. During this time, I will be in constant contact with you over phone or facetime and reminding you of all the tips, tricks, and positions to help make your early labor productive, yet restful. I will also help you to know when to head to your place of birth or to call in your birth team {for a homebirth}. Once you are at the hospital in early-active labor, I will join you for the duration of your labor and birth.
Some of my main roles as your birth doula include:
Helping to be a guide and advocate for you while you navigate a new and unfamiliar experience.
Providing you with all the pros, cons, and alternatives for labor interventions so you can feel confident you're making truly informed decisions.
Acting as a "labor detective" to figure out the best positions and techniques for each individual stage of labor.
Facilitating relaxation during contractions to make them less intense.
Giving your partner a break so they can eat, go for a walk, or take a nap.
Reminding your nurse and care provider about your wishes for your birth at each step of the way.
Being a constant presence for you and your partner while your nurses and care providers may change shifts.
Facilitating immediate skin-to-skin with your baby so you can observe the crucial "Golden Hour" of bonding.
Guidance with breast or bottle feeding
Staying with you until you and baby are stable and have had your first feeding.

In-Home Postpartum Visit
{Within the first 3 weeks after birth}
The first few weeks home with your newborn are a time of transition and adjustment. Just like in labor, having the right tools and techniques on board can help to make this a positive, calm, and memorable time in your lives.
During this visit, some of the topics we will cover are:
Newborn feeding...whether you are breast or bottle feeding or a combo of both.
Understanding newborn sleep and learning how YOU can get the most rest during this sometimes-exhausting phase of parenting.
Learning the 5 S's from The Happiest Baby on the Block techniques for soothing your crying or colicky newborn {they really do work!}.
Demonstrations on baby wearing with a wrap. I promise it's not as hard as it looks and it can be a real lifesaver in those first few months with your baby!
Infant massage instruction on strokes and techniques to help with newborn gas, constipation, and tummy troubles.
Discussing any other questions or concerns that you have that feel too small or insignificant to bother your pediatrician with, but that you'd really like the answers to.